Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Joyeuse Halloween

Bouh! Nous avons fêté l'Halloween avec nos cousins en Angleterre. C'était très amusant! Ils ont juste des costumes épeurants ici . Ils ne se déguisent pas comme des pompiers et des robots etc....  Ils trouvent ça drôle que nous faisons cela au Canada.  Nous avons eu beaucoup de bonbons mais pas comme chez nous.  Nous avons passé la journée dans un château qui s'appelle Warwick.  Cétait très vieux et beau. Il y avait un dongeon! Demain nous retournons au Canada. Nous sommes tristes.  C'était une bonne visite avec notre famille.
Happy Hallow's eve from the UK
Read closely! Ha ha!
The Headless Horseman @ Warwick castle.  Creepy!

Being silly at Warwick Castle with all our cousins

Bonjour la Reine Elizabeth!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Turners Turning Into Ramblers

From VIP Writer, Jordan Flynn, the favorite British Cousin:
Traversing the rural landscape of southern England like a party of grand explorers, the Turners and their cousins encountered a possible clue of their past, GG's old home maybe before exile to Canada? Questions to be asked... During the walk they also encountered a lock on the river Thames and a small village of Hambleden where they got their first taste of a traditional pub.

From left to right Charlie, Carolyn, Finn Turner

Another Family adventure: Clivedon

Here we are visiting Clivedon, a national trust property

This photo is entitled "our family roots"

Here we are along the River Thames

We wish this was our house- The Rowe compound for all our families.


The Queen and Kate

We were in Windsor the other day and came across a classic British telephone booth with a twist... Look who was inside!

Windsor castle is quite a pad! The boys said they could live there, no problem.  Ha!
Cheerio for now.

Friday, 26 October 2012

London, day 2

Day two in London we saw the Queen's house and she was there! Her house is called Buckingham palace and we know she was there because her flag was flying . When she isn't there, it doesn't fly.  We walked the royal Mall too all the way up to the palace.  We also saw the famous Ritz hotel.  It is one of the most expensive hotels in the world, I think. After we went to see the Tower Bridge.  The bridge opens to let let boat traffic through. The best part of the day was when we went to the Science Museum.  We saw really cool experiments and we got to take part in many activities in a room called the Launching pad.  Also, we got to experience what it would be like to be a red arrow. That is like the Canadian snowbirds, the planes.  We were in a simulator that made it like we were flying the plane. It was very cool!  We enjoyed being in China town too and thought a lot about Popo. She would have loved the food.  Dad ate Peking duck. Mum liked the Theatre district. There are so many plays going on right now. It is fun to walk through the streets of London. Tomorrow we are heading to Windsor to see the Queen's other house. We will also go to Legoland. Charlie is excited.
We are having fun with our cousins. It is fun to be at their house.

We are at the tower of London. This is where the crown jewels are kept.

The Tower Bridge is behind us.  This is Daddy in front of Big Ben.
This is China town. Below, we are in Covent Garden. We ate the Paella that is being cooked for lunch. It was delicious.  Charlie and Finn are under the big Lion at the National Gallery.

This is Buckingham Palace.  Can you see the flag?  I am eating a yummy pudding. That is what they call dessert here.

 Finn is with a busker being Frankenstein in Covent garden. We saw Shrek the musical on Broadway. It was really good. 


Youpi, Nous avons visité legoland à Windsor et c'était vraiment amusant! C'était comme on faisait partie du jeu.  Dans le foyer de l'hôtel,  il y avait toutes les  personnes- lego dans le monde. Nous sommes allés sur des attractions comme S.Q.U.I.D surfer,driving school,boating school,fire academy,pirate falls, dynamite drench,spinning spider et nous avons visité miniland.  C'est une ville de toutes les édifices lego.Pour créer le mini-land ils ont utilisé 35 million morceaux de légo.  J'ai aussi aimé loki's labyrinth,long boat invader,vikings river splash ,digger challenge,atlantis submarine voyage,star wars miniland experience,laser raider et space tower.  J'adore le lego!  J'ai toutes sortes d'idées quand je retourne jouer avec mes légos.

Savais- tu que le légo est une invention européanne?



Aventure à Londres jour 1

En premier nous sommes allés au travail de mon oncle.Sa compagnie fait des smart phones . Il s'occupe de l'argent de la compagnie. C'est apellé QUALCOMM.Voici une photo de la compagnie. Je pense qu'il a un travail important.

 Nous sommes  allés au metro pour se rendre au Monument. C'est une tour pour se rapeller du grand feu qui a eu à Londres longtemps passé. Le metro etait rempli de personnes et ça pris 40 minutes pour se rendre au monument de Gunnersbury, où mon oncle travaille.Quand nous sommes arrivés nous avons marché au monument  et nous avons grimpé 367 escaliers .Mes jambes etaient tellement fatiguées. C'était un grand  work out. Papa avait trop peur de monter.

Ensuite nous avons marché du monument au Tower de londres. Dans la tour de Londres nous avons vue les bijoux de la reine Elizabeth et du Royaume. Tout etait fait en vrai or et de diamants.Ensuite nous avons vue qui etait toutes les reines et tous les rois.SAVAIS- TU qu' il y avait  un roi qui avait 9 ans mais il a été tué à 15 ans. Son nom etait Edward le VI . On a vue des epées en or et leur armures . C'etait spectaculaire! Voici Charlie. Il a remplacé le beefeater qui est la sécurité. Ha ha!


Après nous avons marché au station de metro. Les anglais appellent le metro "the tube"Nous avons pris le metro de Tower Hill à l'église  Saint Paul. C'est très beau. Nous avons rejoint notre cousine Sau Ming pour un dîner de fish and chips.Elle est chinoise.


Après dîner nous avons visité le Musée Tate. C'est un musée d'art moderne. Maman a adoré ça!
Mais partie préférée de la journée c'était quand nous sommes allés au Dongeon de Londres.  C'était épeurant et on a appris beaucoup de choses comme à propos du grand feu, Jack the Ripper (Il était horrible) et Sweeney Todd.....


C'était une journée amusante. Nous aurons d'autres aventures à Londres demain.

 ps. Me voici avec mes cousins. Nous sommes à Stonehenge.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Mind the gap

Hello from England!
We are having a jolly good time with our family. We promise to update the blog with more photos but we've been having a few technical difficulties lately. We will being seeing Jordan tomorrow so he will sort us out. We've spent the last three days in London. What an amazing city! The theatre, the culture, the languages, the transportation, the food, the sights, the history... Its all so refreshing for a small town Canadian family. Last night we saw Shrek in the West End, on Drury lane to be exact! Remember the muffin man jingle? It made me smile . Of course we had to have ice cream at the intermission, such a British thing to do and right up my alley! I will let the boys tell you all about the sights we have visited. The boys are working on their reflections of the tower of London, the dungeons, the tower bridge , Buckingham palace, Big Ben, Tate museum, science museum, china town... We really have seen a lot. One of my favourites was the Burrough market. It is how I imagined Diagonal alley to be in Harry Potter: windy little streets with shops.

The boys have been wizards with the tube and train lines, mastering the different lines and directing us to where we need to be: great geography lesson. They are especially fond of the lingo and are picking up some new vocabulary and expressions. For instance Charlie thinks it is quite funny that a truck is a Lori (the same name as my sister). Other favourites  have been the loo (for toilet), "mind the gap" as you get off the tube, "unlucky" for anything that doesn't go right in a football match - meaning soccer. We've noticed that the Brits like to finish their sentences with the word "yea". It's rather cute the way the thought or question is loaded. For example: it's a nice day, yea?

I've been loving running along the many footpaths along the Thames and elsewhere with my sister, sister-in law and dear Marty (Eli's cousin). The Brits sure don't mind the rain, the muck or mud: they are always dressed for it. I probably should have  packed more footwear!

The twins and I will be heading to Dorney this weekend to see my niece Alex row. For those who followed the Olympics, this is wear the rowing took place. We are all excited to see the venue and to see her row. We also hope to see Jordan play rugby. Owen and Alex, my nephew will running in a 5k race along the Thames Saturday with Gordo and Denise.  Saturday night we will be celebrating Guy Fawks night with a big bonfire in the park. Just so much to see and do! We are having  a grand time.  
With love from England,
Carolyn and the boys
                             Here is Alex with her crew at lake Dorney. We are so proud of her!


Monday, 22 October 2012


Nous sommes allés à Stonehenge avec mes cousins, mes tantes et mon oncle. Stonehenge est un des plus grands mystères au monde.  C'est un groupe de roches qui sont placés dans un cercle. Mais personne sait exactement comment il a été fait ni pourquoi c'était fait.  Des scientifiques pensent que c'est 4500 mille ans. Aussi ils pensent que les personnes qui ont construit le site ont utilisé un quai en bois pour transporter les roches parceque les roches ne viennent pas de la région.

Aujourd'hui les scientifiques pensent que c'était possiblement un calendrier ou une place pour célébrer la mort.  Il y a un autre cercle moins connu qui se trouve près de Stonehenge qui était pour célébrer la vie.
